Escape plans
What is the fastest and safest way out?
Do your employees know how the escape routes in case of a fire? Is there an emergency procedure?
In the Health & Safety Act the government states that an escape plan is a mandatory part of the Emergency Response Plan (Emergency Response Plan). An escape plan consists of a floor plan of the bakery that indicates the escape routes, exits and emergency exits. The location of the fire extinguishing equipment and the shortest and/or safest route outside must also be indicated. So you have to map out quite a bit to meet this legal requirement. TenBa from Wageningen arranges an effective escape plan that also meets the legal requirements, on your behalf and in a professional manner.
To make an effective escape plan, a TenBa consultant visits you to assess the situation. They do a round of the building and record crucial parts for the floor plan. The bakery technology is part of this. Within a few weeks after surveying, you will receive a clear and professional escape plan. The drawings are plasticised.